An Interview with Social Media Marketing Head at a SaaS company.

Digital MoSha
1 min readJul 31, 2021

The other marketer did not permit me to publish his name let us assume the name as Ganesh. Ganesh will be referred to as “G” & Me as “M”

M: What made you choose the Social Media field
G: I love to connect people basically and love to build connections and relationships that would bring revenues to my client.
M: So you are established now, people know you. What was your journey like?
G: No journey is easy, everyone during their initial days will face challenges. People will troll you but consistency and sticking to your work is where the difference is made, you will grow stronger.
M: Ohh, well consistency is the key. I see. So how did you learn to come up to this stage?
G: It is experience, an educator or institute may teach you 20% of the foundation, and the rest 80% is what you experiment to fail and learn from failures.
M: How do you handle trolls?
G: Trolls are everywhere, should we care about them?? if we do we will never ever see the rise.
M: Ohh that is great, What suggestion do you have for the budding digital marketers.
G: Do not go behind shiny objects, be real. Select your niche and work on it! experiment things on yourself. Buy a domain, write experiment fail, and learn.
M: Ahh, thank you for your time, Ganesh.

This was the conversation with a Social media marketing head of SaaS company.



Digital MoSha

An Engineer turned Digital Marketing Specialist | Growth Hacker| Social Media Strategist | Digital Marketing researcher | Entrepreneur |